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« happy estonian independence day... | Main | crazy love... »

February 25, 2011



yes, dr pepper has a... unique... taste... but I'm one aussie who cannot stand vegemite! I know, I'm letting the side down, but I just can't stand it!

Lee Currie

Well, I'm a Canadian so it may be expected that I don't like either - and you'd be right ;) Fun experiment!


Hee hee hee, can't wait to share this with everyone : ) And you're giving Matt waaaaay too much credit, he nearly died of disgust from the Vegemite. He must have been exceptionally polite for our international guests ; )


HAHAHAHAHAHA. LOVE the faces you captured. I don't GET HOW in the WORLD you would not like Dr Pepper, but I do enjoy a good giggle about this :)

(she says while sipping on her daily Dr Pepper)

Angie Lucas

Hilarious! My sister lived in Australia for 18 months and managed to convert to Vegemite in that time. I do think it takes at least a year to acquire the taste, though. :)

Monika Wright

Would it gross you out beyond all reason to know that I drink more than one DP a day, and usually chilled straight from the can. Straight from the can, yes. It's my one really gross habit.

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