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I use Project Life by Becky Higgins
Big Picture Classes

March 2011

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« it's that time once again when all things must be sorted and purged... | Main | attack of the mutant vegetables... »

January 10, 2011


Monika Wright

so glad you've joined Lisa and I in our adventure...a great way to ponder our everyday life! now stop it with the talk of our boys growing up, i can't take it, ha, ha.


Whole house tour, please. NOW.

And, I totally misinterpreted that we're supposed to take photos on Saturdays. I read it in my head as "before the next prompt." Heh. That might be the way it's most manageable to me ; )

jody [gonggirl]

Re: [the midnight scrapper] elizabeth submitted a comment to one of my many projects for this year...

That is just about the whole house Elizabeth LOL Now Im now not sure that the prompts are supposed to be Saturdays...its just that the first week was a Saturday so my OCD brain read that as must do same time each week. Im sure it is more flexible than I am interpreting it!!!!!


Looks like a great photography project - I might have to join in. Mind you I'm already doing project life (which this could tie in with) and Picture Summer and far too many other online classes I'm not at all keeping up with :-).
And that's a great site to add to my RSS feed :-).


jody [gonggirl]

Re: [the midnight scrapper] Libby submitted a comment to one of my many projects for this year...

Tell me about it Libby...I have signed up for a few things this year (more posts to come) and I am also doing project life. In my mind my plan is to think deeper about the photos I take for 52 photos and 365 becomes the catchall for our everyday, ordinary life (well thats how I hope it works out!!) And yes, Monikas blog ios a great one to follow, she is always updating with cool projects.


Nice post. I love it. Waiting your new posts. Thank you...

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