I am repelling technology at the moment. Typepad keeps kicking me off just as I hit post and I lose everything I have typed.
Google won't let me in no matter how many times I change my password.
So I am just going to go ahead and type this entry, relying on blind faith that it will indeed load.
So, to catch up...
Very sad about this, sadder than I thought I would be :(
We are heading here in a weeks time and I am very excited...
Loved Cathy's class so much, this is going to be a great album when I get it finished...
Still typing up entries as I had to go all over achiever and have a double page for each letter (CZ had a letter per page). And yes, that is the bonnet photo making another appearance
I am still going strong with my Project 365. Twelve weeks to go and I can hardly believe I have stayed the course LOL.
I am going to cross my fingers and hit save...and see what happens :)