No, I did not get a kit.
Having said that, I have just started to hear some "international shipping" costs and, well, let's just say it's a little out of my ballpark.
Working on a Plan B. Ha!
The good news...11 days in and I have taken a photo everyday (come check on me after 111 days and we will see how I'm doing LOL)
1. Just kicking back on the first day of the new year, watching friends on DVD.
2. I had a plan...and so did thousands of other people!
3. Byron watering our herb garden, which was planted in November and has gone crazy ever since. Fresh herbs are the best. And the watering can, well Gary complained that that was all he wanted for Christmas (and he got some good stuff) so on the 2nd, I went out and splurged $6.99 on "just what he wanted for Christmas".
4. [Note: before I tell this story please note that I am not really a crazy person, though this story may lead you to believe otherwise]
I usually make a trip to Spotlight at least once a week and the parking here is, well crazy. You can never park. My mother always tells me she has no problems getting a park here because as she drives up she says a little mantra to the effect of "I'm a good person and I deserve a good parking spot" (OK, stay with me here LOL) So of course we all make fun of her, but we have taken to chanting this as we drive up Crown St towards Spotlight. Well look what sort of super good person I must have been, because as you can see, I am RIGHT OUT FRONT!!!! (can you also see how close that car behind me parked OMG - they were not there when I arrived and when I came out, well there is no room for movement at all.
5. Oscar outgrew the bunk beds, making it necessary to get the boys single beds and totally redo their bedroom. Off to 40 winks for new mattress bases. We borrowed Da's ute to save on delivery, which was fine, but he failed to tell us that there had been a petrol spill in the car and we nearly died from the fumes (but we saved on delivery LOL)
6. Just a fraction of the "stuff" that came from the boys room as part of the room renovation!
7. Oscar and friends have a sleepover to celebrate Owen being home for a visit. Check out their lovely "smiles". Thanks boys.
8. A quick trip to Sydney to buy things for the boys room (shelving, storage etc). Bought a sideboard for the lounge room and of course stopped in at Borders for my favourite magazines.
9. Didn't feel to good yesterday and then today the cold & sinus pain really kicked in, and then kicked my butt. I took to my bed and had a pity party for 1, as it was the last days of my holidays. My bedside table was not a pretty sight, nor was I LOL
10. When mama's sick, she really doesn't care what the rest of the family do for dinner...and they went and got fish and chips.
11. Oscar got some paid work splitting logs. It's hot, heavy work and he's not that keen but he made the commitment and now he has to do it and he is - well that and we took away his Playstation 3 untill he has finished - yes, I know, worst parents IN THE WORLD.
So there it is...a little slice of our crazy day to day life!