Wow! When did November sneak up and overwhelm me? My to-do list is scareing me and I love to-do lists, relishing all those tasks that I can smugly cross off LOL but, my November's list is only getting l-o-n-g-e-r.
First off, I am trying so hard to finish off my Ali Edwards "A Week in the Life" album. Just got a few more days journaling to go and then printing off all my little photos that go in the card holders. It's looking good and will be such a cool reminder of our ordinary, everyday life. Pictures to come as soon as I finish.
I did put the above project aside for a very important reason. You may remember me talking about the Southern Cross Kids Camp back in March this year, and the time has rolled around to once again help Julie to make sure that every kid at camp gets to go home with a completed album all about them. Super simple is the order of the day (right up my alley) and a few of my albums are below.
I worked from my stash (not really a problem there LOL) and kept them all pretty much the same, alternating vertical & horizontal pages after the title page (20 pages in all). If you can spare a few hours (in front of a good DVD!!) and I know you all have a stash, then pop on over to Julie''s blog and sign on to help the kids out.
Jules...the albums are on their way!!!!!!!
In other breaking news, my first born is now 16 years old. WOW. When did that happen?
Happy Birthday Oscar. And you will be pleased to know that he is no longer the only person in-the-world without a PS3! He is away at Year 10 camp and as I type I can hear the rain pouring down. Bet he wishes he listened to his mum and took the rain coat (rain coats are so wrong, obviously, in the world of 16 year old boys).
I have yet to construct my "December Daily" album, but I have hunted & gathered the bits & pieces that I will use, so I am hoping that this project is ready to go on December 1. I am happy to advise that I did indeed complete last years book (which changed directions radically from what I posted last December) and will post as soon as I scan the photos in.
I have not started my Christmas cards...though I have thought about it. Ha!
Tis the season to hang out at Mel's blog.
I have yet to make the boys advent calendar...making a change this year (because of all the spare time I have) and making something new. Must get moving on this one.
Have bought 2 Christmas presents in total. Not really ripping through the list. Must get on that as well.
My CZ class has been fantastic and I have been so good at staying caught up...and then in the past 2 weeks I started to fall behind (that's what happens when you work all week and then your weekends fill up with fun activities - just give me a quite night in front of the telly to scrap). So here are a few more LO's (we are still following CZ's sketches and I am more than happy to do this) I have finished...
OK, now I'm off to bed so I can have another go at making a dent in that to-do list tomorrow :)