Wow, the past week just flew by and I have neglected my poor blog so early on in our relationship! Well it was my last week at work before my 2 weeks off for the school holidays (can you hear me yelling yee ha?) so that kept me busy.
And let's not forget a certain ebay purchase that turned up (you do remember my desperate need to see season 7 of the West Wing???). Well it is done and over. I loved it. I cried, I laughed, I remembered the old times and mostly, I wish it wasn't over.
Of course now I have moved on to "The Sopranos", with Season 1 calling my name (roll on more cold wet DVD & doona days!!!!!)
I have been busily playing with some new toys...I received my bind-it-all on Friday and now I have an overwhelming urge to bind everything in sight!
I also started on a quilt (the one from camp whuck-a-chuck). I really don't have a whole lot of instructions, just going by memory and a couple of templates LOL. Should be fine.
First I went through my fabric stash (don't for one minute think that I only hoard scrapbooking supplies) and retrieved some really girly old fashioned prints. I also did a quick run to Hobbysew to fill in a few gaps and buy some background fabric.
Next step was to cut out the background 9" squares and the 2", 3", 4" circles...
And then I just had to keep cutting the circles, and keep cutting...
Then I got to start making up the squares with 3 layers of circles...
So that's where I'm up to...time to start sewing. I will update when I have made more progress. Of course now that I have all this sewing mess out, I really want to scrapbook!!